Masters - Volume 2 (Digital edition)
The concluding volume of the high-octane, off-the-wall, action adventure saga. For this master chef, the steaks are always high!
The story of Renley Masters is completed in this second helping of fantastical foes, frenetic fights and furious food flinging.
As the lead suspect in the hospital murders, and the police hot on his heels regardless of the bumbling Detective Hunting leading the case, Renley's now infamous bandaged appearance forces him out of his home, and on the run. All out of options, a simple promotional flyer drives him; and his now permanent companion Annalise towards enthusiastic healer/preacher/showman/entrepreneur - Winston LaFonté. With much more under the hood than his branded soft drink would suggest, LaFonté quickly becomes a font of knowledge and insight about more than just his unconventional healing ability. With fresh information, a clearer plan and new alliances forming, Renley's journey is about to get stranger and deadlier. Can he evade Detective Hunting's not-so-snappy snare? How will he manage against a slew of super-skilled combatants?
Masters - Volume 2 delves deeper into the history of the century-spanning battle Renley is caught up in. Find out more about how things began, the tragic tales of some key combatants, and how the contest has altered the world.
All this with new twists and turns, and plenty more chef powers as the story of Masters reaches its action-packed flamed-grilled finale!
Masters - Volume 2 is a full colour graphic novel. Written by Matt Reid and J-Man; Pencils and Line art by Chris Imber; Colours and Lettering by Chris Jenkins, Flats by Matt King.